Submit a comment about 2014088532 phone number:
I got a call from this number about a hour ago and a automated voicemail was left saying...``For fraudulent activities so when you get this message kindly callback as soon as possible. Before we begin with the legal proceedings you can reach us on our direct number, which is 201-408-8532 I repeat 62014088532. Thank you. And have a nice day.´´ ...this has to be one of those scams. Does anyone know or has anyone else recieved a call from this number??
This number called me twice today, saying that in order for me to avoid legal proceedings to call them back. I call so I can speak with them in Spanish and in French... No one answers.

Hello! I get this message too, I call back and tell: this has to be one of those scams. They are stopped talking. I tell I will go to SS myself and did not tell my SSN. This is scam 201-408-8532 ... 4324043558